We want to be known as generous people. This is one way we can follow the example set for us by Jesus, who has been so generous to us. Our goal is to, “Excel in this grace of giving” (2 Cor 8:7). We genuinely enjoy meeting needs and seek to be faithful with all the time, energy, skills, and financial resources entrusted to us.
When you give, you are joining the mission to Love God and Love Others, and our vision to serve the families in our community.
Thank you for modeling a life of generosity!
ONLINE Give through our secure, quick, and easy online giving platform.
AUTOMATED Set a schedule of recurring payments that works for you.
IN-PERSON Bring your cash, check, or giving envelope on Sunday, or drop it off at the church office on a weekday.
BY PHONE Pay by Venmo @eastswampchurch or text the dollar amount to 84321. When texting, follow the prompts and search for "East Swamp Church" to get set up.
MAIL Mail to 2405 East Swamp Road, Quakertown, PA 18951
2405 E. Swamp Road. Quakertown, PA 18951
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